For my Bestfriend from Bestfriend Love Knot Necklace
"To my loving Bestfriend. Life is an awful, ugly place to not have a best friend as beautiful as you."The Love Knot...
$69.95 from $49.95
For my Bestfriend from Bestfriend Love Knot NecklaceĀ 
"To my Bestfriend for life. we're sisters, we're family. What is you, is me. Love lots."The Love Knot Necklace represents an unbreakable...
$69.95 from $49.95
For my Bestfriend from Bestfriend Love Knot Necklace
"To my dearest Friend. You're more than a sister. with you, I can conquer the impossible. you are my best friend and...
$69.95 from $49.95
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